
I. 目的

十大彩票平台 (EGSC) is committed to the safety of its faculty, staff, 学生和访客. 继续履行这一承诺,确保EGSC建筑物的居住者 are equipped for a fire emergency evacuation, fire drills shall be conducted in accordance 乔治亚州法律. 进行演习是为了让建筑物的住户为有组织的 在发生火灾或其他紧急情况时进行疏散.

II. 政策声明

Georgia law and regulations require fire drills be conducted at intervals as described in the 国际 Fire Code and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 101基于建筑物占用分类的生命安全规范. 珍妮·克莱里 法案规定校园宿舍每季度进行一次消防演习.

所有建筑物的住户都必须参加消防演习. 居住者 will exit buildings in an orderly fashion in accordance with the College’s Emergency 行动计划. 在“所有安全”信号发出之前,任何人不得再进入建筑物 给出了.

3. 定义

公众集会占用 - An occupancy used for a gathering of 50 or more persons for deliberation, worship, entertainment, eating, drinking, amusement, awaiting transportation, or similar uses; or an occupancy used as a special amusement building, regardless of occupant load.

建筑的代表 – Person(s) designated in the EGSC Emergency 行动计划 to receive training on preparedness, awareness, leading evacuations, shelter in place, assisting individuals with disabilities in evacuation and shelter in place procedures, and essential communications in potentially 威胁的情况下.

商业用房 -用于商业以外的商业交易的占用.

日托入住率 - An occupancy in which four or more clients receive care, maintenance, and supervision, by someone other than their relatives or legal guardians, for less than 24 hours per 一天.

钻官 - Person designated by the EGSC Director 公共安全 to coordinate fire drills 评估应对能力.

工厂/工业用房 - An occupancy in which products are manufactured or in which processing, assembling, 进行混合、包装、整理、装饰或修理操作.

消防演习 -模拟演练发生事故时应使用的应急程序 一场大火.

商业用房 -用于展示和销售商品的场所.

IV. 钻头频率

Fire drills must be conducted in accordance with this table per the 国际 消防规范和NFPA 101.

入住率分类 钻头频率
公众集会占用 季度
商业用房 每年
日托入住率 每月
工厂/工业用房 每年
商业用房 每年

Each building located on the Swainsboro Campus has been assigned a building occupancy 佐治亚州消防安全专员办公室的分类. 除此之外, the Jeanne Clery Act mandates quarterly fire drills for student housing facilities.

The following minimum fire drill frequency schedule is established for EGSC Swainsboro Campus buildings based upon Clery Act requirements and / or building occupancy classifications 乔治亚州指派的:

校园建筑 入住率分类 钻头频率
山猫别墅南(宿舍楼) 商业占用/租赁法案 季度
山猫别墅西(宿舍楼)  商业占用/租赁法案 季度
Gambrell建筑 商业用房 年度
体育大楼 公众集会占用 季度
JAM学生活动中心 商业用房 年度
富尔福德社区学习中心 公众集会占用 季度
学术建设 商业用房 年度
乔治·L. 史密斯建筑 商业用房 年度
警察局 商业用房 年度
工厂操作 商业用房 年度
拍摄 & 吉恩·斯特兰奇俱乐部 公众集会占用 季度

V. 程序

    1. 一般信息
      1. The Director 公共安全 shall appoint a drill officer responsible for scheduling, 协调和评估消防演习.
      2. The drill officer shall notify the Director of 工厂操作 and appropriate local 当局提前安排了演习.
      3. The drill officer is responsible for the training and coordination of building representatives 因为它涉及到火灾时的建筑物疏散.
      4. Fire drill exercises may be announced or The drill officer shall determine whether 消防演习将提前发出通知.
    2. 宣布演习
      1. Announced fire drills provide opportunities for building representatives to engage 在事前准备中. 这些演习的目的是让参与者熟悉 通过实际练习的期望和个人责任.
      2. 通知将在宣布的消防演习前不少于(3)天发出.
      3. Signage giving notice of the drill will be posted in the effected building in visible 地区(我.e. 入口、大堂、电梯等.).
    3. 突然的演习
      Unannounced fire drills are intended to simulate response to an actual fire emergency. 这些演习将被用来测试学院社区的反应能力.

    4. 报警激活
      1. 在演习中,操练官负责触发火警.
      2. The alarm should remain activated until evacuation of the building has been confirmed.
    5. 建筑疏散
      1. Building representatives shall assist occupants during an evacuation by providing 提供信息并引导疏散人员到安全地带.
      2. Building occupants shall proceed to the nearest exit when an audible fire alarm actuates.
      3. 室内的门要关好,不要上锁.
      4. 消防演习期间,建筑物内的居民禁止使用电梯.
      5. Building representatives shall establish an evacuation point at least 500 feet from 在大楼里,远离应急车辆.
      6. Upon exit, building occupants will proceed to the evacuation point and keep streets, 消防通道、消火栓区域和人行道为紧急车辆和人员清理.
      7. Unit heads / supervisors shall conduct an attendance check at the evacuation point 确保没有员工失踪. 失踪人员的姓名将被报告 给大楼代表和/或应急人员.
      8. 当课堂上发生演习时,教师应进行演练 在疏散点检查出勤情况,确保没有学生失踪. 的名字 of missing students are to be reported to a building representative and/or emergency 人员.
      9. The drill officer will silence and reset the fire alarm at the conclusion of the drill. The silencing of an audible fire alarm does not authorize re- entry into a building.
      10. Persons may not re-enter the building until the drill officer gives the “ALL CLEAR” 信号. Building representatives shall assist the drill officer by passing this information 沿着.
    6. 消防演习记录保存
      Upon completion 一场大火 drill, a 消防演习 Incident Report must be completed by 教官并将其提交存档. 这些记录将会 maintained for a period of (3) years and made available upon request through the Director 公共安全.

    7. 学生宿舍的附加程序
      1. 员工 of the Office of 住房 and Residence Life are designated as building representatives 校园住宿设施. 这包括专业员工,合同员工, and resident 住房 staff and resident assistants shall perform the functions and 消防演习和实际突发事件中建筑代表的职责.
      2. The EGSC director of housing, or designee, shall insure all housing building representatives receive annual training from a qualified individual on fire safety, the use of fire 灭火器,疏散程序,以及如何进行消防演习.
      3. Fire drills shall be conducted in Bobcat Villas West and Bobcat Villas South a minimum 每公历年四(4)次.
      4. A drill shall be conducted within each facility during the first month of Fall Semester 每学期中点后,在各设施内进行一次演练.
      5. A drill shall be conducted within each facility during the first month of Spring Semester 每学期中点后,在各设施内进行一次演练.
      6. At least one drill will be conducted during the hours after sunset and before sunrise.
      7. A drill shall be conducted during the first month of Summer Semester for any facility 居民居住.
      8. The EGSC director of housing, or designee, shall incorporate emergency preparedness 基于最新版本的学生宿舍方向信息 的住宿学生手册. 应特别注意 消防安全,消防演习和疏散规程.
      9. The EGSC director of housing, or designee, shall insure the most current edition of the Resident Student Handbook is available to faculty, students, and staff via electronic 全年平均数.
      10. EGSC住房部主任应确保在每个睡觉的地方都张贴告示 详细介绍消防安全信息和疏散的房间